1. 牛津大学
学校概况:牛津大学(University of Oxford),简称"牛津"(Oxford),位于英国牛津,世界顶尖的公立研究型大学,采用书院联邦制。 其与剑桥大学并称为牛剑,是罗素大学集团成员,被誉为"金三角名校"和"G5超级精英大学"。牛津大学的具体建校时间已不可考,但有档案明确记载的最早的授课时间为1096年,之后在1167年因得到了英国王室的大力支持而快速发展。牛津大学是英语世界中最古老的大学,也是世界上现存第二古老的高等教育机构。 该校涌现了一批引领时代的科学巨匠,培养了大量开创纪元的艺术大师、国家元首,其中包括28位英国首相及数十位世界各国元首、政商界领袖。牛津大学在数学、物理、医学、法学、商学等多个领域拥有崇高的学术地位及广泛的影响力,被公认为是当今世界最顶尖的高等教育机构之一。从1902年起,牛津大学还设立了面向全世界本科生的"罗德奖学金"。截止至2019年3月,牛津大学的校友、教授及研究人员中,共有72位诺贝尔奖得主(世界第九)、3位菲尔兹奖得主(世界第二十)、6位图灵奖得主(世界第九)。 2020-2021年度,牛津大学位列2021泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名第1,2022QS世界大学排名第2,2021U.S. News世界大学排名第5,2020软科世界大学学术排名第9。特别的是,牛津大学于2017-2021年连续五年在泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名荣膺世界第1。
专业介绍:MSc in Financial Economics
TIMES排名 1 学费 £48,670
QS世界排名 5 专业名称 MSc in Financial Economics
IELTS要求 7.5(7.0) 入学条件 2:1 学位 ,要求具有会计、金融学习背景,专业有面试
Duration 9 months 国内本科 985/211要求80%;双非要求85%+
备注 有面试
Application deadlines 23:59 GMT on:
Stage 1: Friday 29 October
Stage 2: Friday 7 January
Stage 3: Friday 11 March
Your online form must be submitted and all supporting documentation uploaded by the deadline in order for your application to be considered.
Core modules and electives
Core modules
The economics modules apply theories and methodologies to finance, while the finance modules provide the underlying economic principles of financial practice.
Asset pricing
This module covers the theory and practice of valuing claims to uncertain cash flows; for example, stocks and stock options, bonds, and foreign exchange instruments. It covers standard material such as CAPM and the Black-Scholes formula, and some advanced material such as consumption-CAPM and pricing formulas for 'exotic options'. Half of the module is dedicated to the application of advanced statistical methods to the area of asset pricing and to practical work with real-world data.
Corporate finance
You will learn the fundamental principles of financial accounting, the valuation of firms' assets and the determinants of firms' financial structures. The module covers key components of firms' financial decisions and the operation of financial markets, including new issues of securities, debt, and dividend policy. You will learn about the relevance of different financial institutions to the financing of firms, the takeover process, corporate restructurings, and financial distress.
Financial econometrics
This module provides students with a background in the fundamentals of empirical modelling and testing in finance. It will introduce you to modern financial econometrics providing appropriate techniques for empirical investigation in financial economics where you will gain a better understanding of crucial concepts like risk, evidence, and prediction.
Microeconomics is the study of how financial and commercial frameworks and conditions impact on individual situations and business units. In this module, you will learn to apply the basic tools of market and firm analysis, game theory, incentive theory, and auctions. In addition, the module will provide an introduction to fundamental ideas in macroeconomics, reinforced by lectures from leading policy experts.
Ethics & finance
This course engages students with theory and practice, offering the opportunity to interact with practitioners on an ethical topic and write a case study from real world data.
You can select a total of five electives to tailor your learning experience and expand your knowledge in areas important for your career.
You can substitute one elective with a 10,000 word project addressing a question of academic interest or practical significance. Please note this elective list is an example of the courses previously offered; the list does change year to year.
Corporate valuation
This elective will cover methods to establish value and increase value, focusing on areas of business where getting valuation correct is of critical importance (M&A, private equity transactions, project financing, etc).
Financial crises and risk management
This module focuses on understanding financial crises' and learning risk management techniques and tools to apply to real-world situations.
Financial markets trading
You will learn how to manage risk and your investors, and understand the market dynamics and participants.
Information and communication in finance
This module teaches the strategic motives for market players to acquire and communicate information. It uses economic theory to improve communication and information production.
Identification in finance and social sciences
You will learn how to deploy the techniques of identification of causation, as opposed to correlation, in almost any circumstances and learn how to use a variety of tools, including RCTs, to carry out your own evaluations.
Real estate
This elective will focus on investment and finance, real estate development in private equity and social enterprise and also an introduction into PropTech.
Behavioural and experimental economics
This module will focus on formal methods, experimental evidence and empirical evidence, as well as cutting-edge research, focuses on papers rather than textbooks.
The nature of the corporation
You will learn how to create, lead, structure and manage the most successful enterprises and corporations in the world. This module will cover topics such as entrepreneurship and emerging economies, accounting for corporate purpose and mutuality in business.
Asset management
This module covers the foundation principles of asset management and modern topics in asset management. You will study in detail three types of assets: mutual funds, exchange-traded funds, and hedge funds.
Cases in finance and investments
You will analyse real cases and modeling in finance and investments in topics such as leveraged finance, distress and restructuring, corporate M&A and financial sponsors and project and infrastructure finance.
Entrepreneurial finance
In this elective module, you will learn the process of how entrepreneurs and investors create value, examine how entrepreneurs strategise about fundraising, and how investors evaluate business plans.
Mergers, acquisitions and restructuring
This module will give you real insights into the M&A process and understand the motives, strategy, regulation, valuation, tactics, deal-making, shareholder engagement, and integration.
International finance
This elective develops analytical frameworks useful in understanding current issues of macro performance and capital flows in the international economy. The focus will be on the interdependent nature of these issues in a globalised world.
Topics in advanced econometrics
You will focus on multiple comparisons and the procedures for comparing different economic and financial forecasting methods, as well as model averaging where you will examine ways to improve trading strategies.
Private equity
You will learn about this industry and more generally, to help you understand this fascinating, fast-growing, and often controversial financial sector.
Continuous time finance
This module will introduce you to stochastic calculus and show how it can be applied to the pricing and hedging of financial contracts, such as stock and interest rate derivatives.
Fixed income and derivatives
You will develop the analytical tools, based on the theories from the core finance courses, to understand and price fixed income financial instruments and derivatives.
2. 剑桥大学
学校概况:剑桥大学(University of Cambridge;勋衔:Cantab),是一所世界顶尖的公立研究型大学,采用书院联邦制,坐落于英国剑桥。 其与牛津大学并称为牛剑,是罗素大学集团成员,被誉为"金三角名校"和"G5超级精英大学"。 剑桥大学是英语世界中第二古老的大学,前身是一个于1209年成立的学者协会。
八百多年的校史汇聚了艾萨克·牛顿、开尔文、麦克斯韦、玻尔、玻恩、狄拉克、奥本海默、霍金、达尔文、沃森、克里克、马尔萨斯、马歇尔、凯恩斯、图灵、怀尔斯、华罗庚等科学巨匠,约翰·弥尔顿、拜伦、丁尼生、培根、罗素、维特根斯坦等文哲大师,克伦威尔、尼赫鲁、李光耀等政治人物以及罗伯特·沃波尔(首任)在内的15位英国首相。剑桥大学在众多领域拥有崇高学术地位及广泛影响力,被公认为当今世界最顶尖的高等教育机构之一。 是英国罗素大学集团、全球大学高研院联盟、金三角名校、国际应用科技开发协作网及剑桥大学医疗伙伴联盟成员 ,衍育了科技聚集地"硅沼(Silicon Fen)"。 设八座文理博物馆,馆藏逾1500万册的图书馆系统及全球最古老的出版社--剑桥大学出版社。2019-20年度位居泰晤士高等教育世界大学声誉排名第4 。2022年泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名第5 、2022年QS世界大学排名第3 、2021年U.S. News世界大学排名第9 、2021年软科世界大学学术排名第3 、2021年莫斯科国际大学排名第3
专业介绍:MPhil in Finance
TIMES排名 5 学费 £49,603
QS世界排名 3 专业名称 MPhil in Finance
IELTS要求 7.5(7.0)
入学条件 minimum of a good upper second class (good 2:1) honours degree from a UK university or an equivalent standard from an overseas university; and
completion of, or release from, any current training or education course
Duration 9 months 国内本科 大学的最低要求
知名大学本科毕业,总成绩85%或GPA 3.5/4.0;优秀大学本科毕业,总成绩88%或GPA 3.7/4.0;其他认可机构本科毕业,总成绩90%或GPA 3.9/4.0
名牌大学本科毕业,总成绩达到90%或GPA 3.8/4.0;优秀大学本科毕业,总成绩达到92%或GPA 3.9/4.0;其他认可机构本科毕业,总成绩达到95%或GPA 4.0/4.0
Application deadline:Feb. 25
Core courses:
Corporate Finance I
Asset Pricing I
Choice of one of the following two courses (however, if you wish to apply to continue to the Cambridge Judge PhD after your MPhil year, you’re required to take both Asset Pricing II and Corporate Finance II, taking one as a core course, and one as an elective):
Corporate Finance II
Asset Pricing II
Choice of one of the following two courses:
Microeconomics I
Fundamentals of Competitive Markets
Choice of one of the following two courses:
Econometrics I
Econometric Methods
Choice of one of the following two courses:
Econometrics II
Advanced Econometrics II
How to Do Finance
Advanced Financial Models
Advanced Probability
Behavioural Economics
Continuous Time Finance
Economics of Networks
Further Econometrics: Time Series
Industrial Organisation
Numerical Solution of Differential Equations
Stochastic Calculus & Applications
Topics in Accounting
The following two modules can also be taken as electives, provided you’ve not already taken them as a core course:
Asset Pricing II
Corporate Finance II
3.LSE 伦敦政治经济学院
学校概况:伦敦政治经济学院(The London School of Economics and Political Science,简称:LSE;中文简称:伦敦政经),1895年创立于英国伦敦 ,是一所公立研究型大学,为伦敦大学联盟成员和罗素大学集团成员 ,被誉为金三角名校和G5超级精英大学 。伦敦政治经济学院专注于社会科学研究 ,在政商界享有卓越口碑。截至2016年,校友中诞生了18位诺贝尔奖得主 、55位国家元首或政府首脑、31名英国下议院议员及42名上议院议员。根据REF 2014 英国大学官方排名,LSE拥有全英比例最高的世界领先级研究成果 ,同年公布的Wealth-X和UBS针对全球富豪的联合调查报告显示,在所有欧洲大学中,LSE培养了最多的亿万富翁 ,其毕业生平均起薪亦为全英最高。伦敦政治经济学院在社会科学与管理学领域连续八年(2013-2020)位居QS世界大学专业排名世界第二,仅次于哈佛大学;学校开设20个专业方向,政治学、经济学、金融学、新闻传播学、公共政策学、地理学等11个学科均被QS列入世界前五。LSE经济学系在学术界权威的蒂尔堡大学经济学排名(2015-2019)中位居欧洲第一、全球第四 。根据2011-2016年软科世界一流学科排名,LSE在社会科学领域连续六年位居欧洲第一 。2021年,LSE在泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名位居世界第27位。LSE的会计金融专业,算是LSE的商科方向里最热门的专业之一。学习期间会计学系的学生也有机会选择金融专业的课程。
专业介绍:MSc Accounting and Finance
TIMES排名 5 学费
Overseas: £32,208
QS世界排名 49 专业名称 MSc Accounting and Finance
IELTS要求 7.0(6.5) 入学条件 2:1 degree or equivalent in accounting and finance or related subject
GMAT is recommended for all applicants and is required for those without a UK undergraduate degree. All applicants without a UK undergraduate degree must submit GMAT test scores with their application. The overall GMAT score should normally be in excess of 650 points. Applicants with UK undergraduate degrees, particularly those whose quantitative skills are not demonstrated by their undergraduate studies, may be asked to submit GMAT scores.
Duration 9 months full-time 国内本科 85%+
Application deadline:None – rolling admissions. However please note the funding deadlines.
Funding deadline for needs-based awards from LSE: 28 April.
You must successfully complete the equivalent of four full-unit courses to meet the requirements of the MSc Accounting and Finance programme. Results from each of the full-unit courses carry proportionate and equal weight in the final assessment of the degree. Compulsory core courses in accounting and finance provide the foundation for developing an understanding of a variety of topics, themes and core principles. You can then select from a combination of optional full and half unit courses in specific areas of accounting and finance to fit your interests and preferred specialisation. Options from outside the two Departments are also available.
(* denotes a half unit course)
Corporate Finance and Asset Markets *Suspended for 2022/23*
Examines the fundamental concepts and tools underlying modern finance, both in the asset markets and the corporate finance side
Asset Markets A*
Equips students with the fundamental concepts and tools underlying the assets markets side of modern finance
Corporate Finance A*
Covers a range of topics in corporate finance including capital budgeting techniques, capital structure decisions, dividend policy, decision to go public and mergers and acquisitions.
Another approved course
Courses to the value of two units from a range of options
A specified combination of the following courses, equalling one unit in total:
Topics in Financial Reporting*
Enhances the student's ability to relate economic events to financial statements and disclosures.
Corporate Financial Disclosure and Investor Relations*
Examines the lens of financial accounting and reporting by covering topics on the interaction of financial accounting and reporting with capital markets with a focus on corporate disclosure and communication strategies.
Accounting, Strategy and Control*
Provides an advanced overview of current theoretical and practical developments in the area of organisational control.
Management Accounting for Decision Making*
Focuses on cost and other accounting and non-accounting information systems that aid managerial decision-making.
View Course Videos Here
For the most up-to-date list of optional courses please visit the relevant School Calendar page.
You must note however that while care has been taken to ensure that this information is up to date and correct, a change of circumstances since publication may cause the School to change, suspend or withdraw a course or programme of study, or change the fees that apply to it. The School will always notify the affected parties as early as practicably possible and propose any viable and relevant alternative options. Note that the School will neither be liable for information that after publication becomes inaccurate or irrelevant, nor for changing, suspending or withdrawing a course or programme of study due to events outside of its control, which includes but is not limited to a lack of demand for a course or programme of study, industrial action, fire, flood or other environmental or physical damage to premises.
You must also note that places are limited on some courses and/or subject to specific entry requirements. The School cannot therefore guarantee you a place. Please note that changes to programmes and courses can sometimes occur after you have accepted your offer of a place. These changes are normally made in light of developments in the discipline or path-breaking research, or on the basis of student feedback. Changes can take the form of altered course content, teaching formats or assessment modes. Any such changes are intended to enhance the student learning experience. You should visit the School’s Calendar, or contact the relevant academic department, for information on the availability and/or content of courses and programmes of study. Certain substantive changes will be listed on the updated graduate course and programme information page.
学校概况:帝国理工学院(Imperial College London),直译为伦敦帝国学院,全称为帝国科学、技术与医学学院(Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine),简称帝国理工(IC),是一所享誉欧洲的理工类大学,尤其以工程,医学著名,在世界学术界拥有极高的声望。帝国理工学院于1907年建立于英国伦敦,由维多利亚女王和阿尔伯特亲王于1845年建立的皇家科学院和大英帝国研究院、皇家矿业学院、伦敦城市与行会学院合并组成,曾是伦敦大学成员之一 。学院校友中,有14位诺贝尔奖得主 、3位菲尔兹奖得主 。帝国理工学院是英国罗素大学集团、欧洲研究型大学联盟、国际科技大学联盟、全球大学校长论坛成员,与牛津大学、剑桥大学、伦敦大学学院、伦敦政治经济学院等校并称为金三角名校和G5超级精英大学。
伦敦帝国学院位列2021ARWU软科世界大学学术排名第25位 ,2022QS世界大学排名第8位 、2021泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名第11位 ,2022U.S. News世界大学排名第20位 。
①专业介绍:MSc Risk Management and Financial Engineering
在课程中,您将使用和访问彭博终端,路透社Eikon, Datastream, Matlab和两个定制的计算机实验室。
1st Round: 13 January
2nd Round: 1, March
3rd Round: 23 April
如果申请了商学院Finance programmes (MScFinance, MSc Financeand Accounting., MSc Investment andWealth Management, MSc Risk
Management and Financial Engineering,MSc Financial Technology),可以至多添加三个专业。但是,注意,只能5个Finance programmes中的来进行选择添加,不能一个Finance programme搭配一个管理相关的课程。
学费:£39,000 Duration:one year
Core modules
Financial Statistics
Investments and Portfolio Management
Risk Management and Valuation
Stochastic Calculus
Empirical Finance: Methods and Applications
Financial Engineering
Ethics and Professional Standards in Finance
Non-assessed modules
Accounting Primer
Foundations for Career Success
Finance Careers Primer
Introduction to Finance
Introduction to Maths
Plagiarism Awareness
Study Skills
Optional modules
Advanced Options Theory
Asset Allocation & Investment Strategies
Computational Finance with C++
Credit Risk
Fixed Income Securities
Advanced Financial Statistics
Applied Trading Strategies
Banks, Regulation and Monetary Policy
Big Data in Finance I
Big Data in Finance II
Blockchain and Crypto Assets
Corporate Governance and Stewardship
Corporate Finance for Practitioners (International Elective)
Entrepreneurial Finance
Enterprise Risk Management
Applied Project
Research Project
②专业介绍:MSc Business Analytics
语言成绩(IELTS 7.0单项6.5)
学费:£34,300 Duration: one year
1st Round: 13
2nd Round: 1
3rd Round: 23
Pre-study modules
Career and Professional Development Workshops
Plagiarism Awareness
Core modules
You study all of the modules below.
Business and Maths Foundations for Business Analytics
Data Structures and Algorithms
Fundamentals of Database Technologies
Machine Learning
Maths and Statistics Foundations for Analytics
Network Analytics
Optimisation and Decision Models
Statistics and Econometrics
Optional modules
You choose three modules from each group.
Group A
Digital Marketing Analytics (online)
Energy Analytics
Logistics and Supply Chain Analytics
Retail and Marketing Analytics
Group B
Advanced Machine Learning
Digital Marketing Analytics
Healthcare and Medical Analytics
Financial Analytics
Workforce Analytics
Data Management and Ethics
Report module
You will complete an Analytics in Business Capstone Project or an Individual Research Report.
③专业介绍:MSc Economics and Strategy for Business
programmes (MScFinance, MSc Financeand Accounting., MSc Investment andWealth Management, MSc Risk
Management and Financial Engineering,
MSc Financial Technology),可以至多添加三个专业。但是,注意,只能5个Finance
programmes中的来进行选择添加,不能一个Finance programme搭配一个管理相关的课程。
学费:£31,800 Duration: one year
Compulsory modules
Corporate Finance
Corporate Strateg
Business Economics
Economics and Strategy for Innovation
Data, Tools and Evidence
Digital Economics and Economic Strategy
Risk Management
Macroeconomics for Business
Strategic Marketing
Analytics for Applied Economics and Business
Information, Incentives and Contracts
Strategy Implementation
Energy Economics and Strategy
Global Strategy
Business Simulation
学校概况:伦敦大学学院(University College London),简称UCL ,原名"伦敦大学"(London University),1826年创立于英国伦敦 ,是一所公立研究型大学 ,为伦敦大学联盟的创校学院 、罗素大学集团和欧洲研究型大学联盟创始成员 ,被誉为金三角名校和G5超级精英大学 。UCL是伦敦的第一所大学 ,以其多元、尖端的学科设置著称 ,于REF 2014 英国大学官方排名中获得全英之冠 ,并在英国众高校中享有最多的科研经费 。UCL拥有英国国家医学研究所 、马拉德空间科学实验室 、盖茨比计算神经科学中心 和英国国家计算金融中心 等前沿机构;伦敦大学学院合作伙伴联盟为全球最大的健康科学中心 ;旗下皇家自由医院连续多年蝉联全英最佳医院 ,巴特莱特建筑学院和伦敦大学学院教育学院亦在各自领域享誉全球 ,医学、计算机科学、法学、考古学等诸多学科排名全英第一 ,更以人工智能领域的研究见长 ;与LSE并称为"英国现代经济学研究的双子星" ;其人文学院颁发的奥威尔奖则是政治写作界的最高荣誉 。2021~22年度,UCL位居QS世界大学排名第8 ,泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名第16 ,U.S.News世界大学排名第16 ,软科世界大学学术排名第17 。
①专业介绍:Sustainable Resources: Economics, Policy and Transitions MSc
UCL伦敦大学学院可持续资源:经济、政策与转型专业 MSc Sustainable Resources:Economics,Policy and Transition 开设在巴特利特环境、能源和资源学院下为期一年的硕士课程。面对全球环境挑战,社会、企业和政策制定者都需要重新思考我们如何可持续地利用我们的自然资源。 UCL 的可持续资源:经济学、政策和转型理学硕士研究循环经济、资源效率和可持续资源管理。 学生具备推动变革并成为未来可持续发展领导者的技能和知识。您将研究可持续性的重要方面,例如资源效率、可再生能源以及不可再生燃料、社会转型(特别是在全球南方)、国际关系和国际政治经济以及生态创新。
至少拥有英国大学二级以上学士学位,或在适当学科(地球科学、经济、政治科学、地理、自然科学、法律、工程或相关学科)具有同等水平的海外资格证书。English Language Proficiency Test(IELTS总分7.0单项6.5)学费:£16,500 Duration:1year
All applicants: 18 Oct – 31 Mar
Compulsory modules
Future Resource Pathways and Visions
MSc Sustainable Resources Dissertation Project
Introduction to Sustainable Resources: Challenges and Principles
Introduction to Resource Economics and Policy
Policies for Sustainable Resources
Tools for Assessing Sustainable Resource Use
Optional modules
UK Energy and Environment Policy and Law
Energy, People and Behaviour
Industrial Symbiosis
International Commodity Trade
Metrics, Modelling and Visualisation of the Resource Nexus
Resource Governance and the Global South
Eco-Innovation and Sustainable Entrepreneurship
Environmental and Social Sustainability risk management in natural resource projects
Environmental Life-Cycle Governance
Data Analytics in the Smart Built Environment
Social Value and New Energy Business Models
Life Cycle Assessment
Earth Resources and Sustainability
②专业介绍:MSc Economics and Policy of Energy and the Environment MSc
UCL 伦敦大学学院能源与环境经济和政策专业 MSc Economics and Policy of Energy and the Environment 开设在巴特利特环境、能源和资源学院下为期一年的硕士课程。该专业主要培养学生应对全球环境挑战所需的经济学、政策和建模技能。学生将深入了解解决全球社会面临的紧迫环境和资源问题的不同经济和政策方法,尤其是在能源和气候变化方面。 您将学习如何应用各种分析方法来解决这些问题,并应用于广泛的实际环境中。
通常要求至少具有相关学科(经济学,经济学+,科学或工程学科)的英国二级以上学士学位,或具有同等标准的海外资格。但是,如果在数量分析方面表现出一定的才能,例如在高级水平,则可以考虑非数量程度。这些要求可能会对那些能够展示出能力和经验的成熟学生放宽,例如,在商业或政府领域。English Language Proficiency Test(IELTS总分7.0单项6.5)学费:£16,500 Duration:1 year
All applicants: 18 Oct – 31 Mar
Compulsory modules
Dissertation: Economics and Policy of Energy and the Environment
Research Concepts and Methods
Environmental and Resource Economics
Introduction to Modelling Methods and Scenarios
Environmental Measurement, Assessment and Law
Planetary Economics and the Political Economy of Energy and Climate Change
Optional modules
Business and Sustainability
Advanced Energy-Environment-Economy Modelling
UK Energy and Environment Policy and Law
Energy, Technology and Innovation
Energy, People and Behaviour
Econometrics for Energy and the Environment
Advanced Environmental Economics
Behavioural Economics and Game Theory for the Environment
Energy, Environment and Resources in Developing Countries
Social Value and New Energy Business Models
③专业介绍:Finance MSc
伦敦大学学院(UCL)的MSc Finance提供世界级的金融多面手培训。以量化金融为基础,结合企业金融、投资组合管理、资产定价、衍生品、对冲基金、私募股权、大数据分析、行为金融、投资银行和金融科技等主题的理论和实践。该项目非常有选择性,吸引了来自世界各地的优秀学生。申请要求:
至少具有英国大学二级以上学士学位,或具有以下任一学科同等水平的海外资格:金融、数学、工程、经济理论、科学或统计学。其他学科的学位也可以考虑,如果他们与金融和/或数学相关。English Language Proficiency Test(IELTS总分7.0单项6.5)学费:£38,000 Duration: 1year
All applicants: 18 Oct – 31 Mar
Compulsory modules
Asset Pricing
Introduction to Quantitative Finance
Financial Econometrics
Time Series Analysis and Forecasting
Advanced Quantitative Finance
Corporate Finance
Finance Research Project
Optional modules
Big Data Analytics
Hedge Fund Strategies
Corporate Finance Practices
Behavioural Finance
Private Equity and Venture Capital
Wealth Management and Private Banking
Further Topics in Mathematical and Computational Finance
④专业介绍 Financial Technology MSc
学费:£38,000 Duration: 1 calendar year
18 Oct – 31 Mar
Compulsory modules
Machine Learning with Applications in Finance
Blockchain Technologies
Digital Finance
Innovation and Strategy in Finance
MSc Financial Technology Project
Optional modules
Data-driven Modelling of Financial Markets
Applied Computational Finance
Operational Risk Measurement for Financial Institutions
Networks and Systemic Risk
Financial Engineering
Algorithmic Trading
Financial Market Modelling and Analysis
Financial Institutions and Markets
Advanced Machine Learning in Finance
Financial Services Entrepreneurship
Database Fundamentals
6. 伦敦商学院(虽然不是G5 但是专业绝对是王牌)
学校概况:伦敦商学院(London Business School,LBS)是一所国际化商学院 ,为伦敦大学的两个研究生院之一,不提供本科教学,只提供金融和管理学方向的研究生课程。学院坐落于伦敦市中心,紧靠皇家公园摄政公园。 伦敦商学院历来被认为是欧洲最顶尖的商学院,同时也是全球最顶尖的10所商学院之一。2011年,该校连续第三年被金融时报全球商学院排行榜评为世界第一,与沃顿商学院并列第一。在2012年的排名中,伦敦商学院被评为世界第四 。在其他全球商学院排名中,伦敦商学院也始终位居全球前五。LBS的录取流程极为严格,是全球申请难度最大的商学院之一。优秀的GPA成绩、极高的GMAT考试成绩和极强的个人综合能力通常是获得录取的必要条件。伦敦商学院的平均GMAT录取成绩为701分,与同属伦敦大学体系的伦敦政治经济学院(LSE)要求相当。
专业介绍:Masters in Finance
TIMES排名 N/A 学费 £52,200
QS世界排名 N/A 专业名称 Masters in Finance
IELTS要求 入学条件 一等 or 2:1学位
Duration 10-16 months or 22 months 国内本科 90%
Application complete by Interview decision by Admission decision by
Round 1 28 September 22 October 17 December
Round 2 02 November 26 November 14 January
Round 3 05 January 28 January 11 March
Round 4 01 March 25 March 13 May
Round 5 26 April 27 May 01 July
Core Course:
Data Analytics for Finance
Personal Assessment and Development
The Purpose of Finance
Financial Accounting and Analysis
Corporate Finance and Valuation
详细个性化咨询微信私人号: 13382004272,长期咨询留学考试辅导和留学申请指导(美加英澳港和留学文书撰写); 欧思留学,专注于细分专业留学申请,对于细分行业的职业规划和留学申请有深刻的认识和长期研究的兴趣。