公共卫生硕士课程是开设在李嘉诚医学院--公共卫生学院下一项基础广泛的研究生培训计划,旨在为医师,牙医,护士,其他卫生专业人员,医学和卫生研究人员以及政策分析人员做准备,以识别和分析香港,中国和亚太地区的当代卫生和卫生保健问题 。
MPH课程为毕业生提供必要的理论和实践技能。 总结和实习结束了这次学习,并提供了一个独特的机会来展示公共卫生实践中的专业技能和能力。 毕业后,MPH候选人将准备有胜任的公共卫生从业人员所需的知识和技能。
Concentrations of Master of Public Health:
Control of Infectious Diseases (CID)
Epidemiology and Biostatistics (EB)
Health Economics, Policy and Management (HEPM)
Public Health Practice (PHP)
Core Courses
CMED6100 Introduction to biostatistics (3 Credits)
CMED6200 Introduction to epidemiology (3 Credits)
CMED6201 Principles of public health (3 Credits)
CMED6704 Health behaviour and communication (3 Credits)
CMED6901 Health leadership and management (3 Credits)
CMED6900 Health policy and politics (3 Credits)
- 成绩单(中英文盖章件)
- 在读证明或毕业学位证(中英文盖章件)
- 语言成绩
- 简历及工作证明(如有)
- 两封推荐信
- 个人陈述
- GRE/GMAT(不是强制要求)
- 其他奖项等(如有)
The University of Hongkong Department of Epidemiology is committed to enhancing the intellectual and social enrichment of the University community and to preparing our students to become leaders, innovators, and responsible community, state, and global citizens.The Department actively seeks and welcomes students with diverse backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. Follow the instructions below to complete your Personal Statement.
In this section you will be asked to write 3 brief responses to specific prompts. Please keep each response to a maximum of 250 words.
1. Describe a time that you encountered a significant obstacle as a student. How did you handle it?
2. What would your mentor say that you do really well? What areas would your mentor identify as areas for improvement?
3. Describe an experience you had in a leadership role: a) what did
you do, b) how did these experiences arise, and c) what did you learn from them. Here, “leadership” can be in any aspect of your life (e.g.,family, spiritual, scientific, political).
“Next, we search for themes by identifying similarities in the data set and identifying the key components of each theme and constructing an informative name. However, this process is time-consuming, easy to loss data and hard to code completely, hard to determine whether we reach the data saturation. After reading quantitative analyze paper and participating the WUXI sanitary and health managment Bureau Institute Workshops, we learn to combine Inductive coding (data driven) and deductive coding (theory driven), following the process evaluation framework. It is a fairly demanding job because qualitative data analysis is a dynamic process (qualitative data mining can be repeated).“”
1,上海中医药大学的本科,医学营养(中医营养方向)专业的,录取了港大公卫(流行病与生物统计方向),GPA 87.5分,是典型的双非学生拿到了港大录取的案例,学生没有提交GRE成绩,雅思6.5分。被港中文的流行病与生物统计放入waitlist后,杳无音讯。 建议申请公卫的同学要强调在卫生防疫部门、医院的医疗检测部门、制药企业的药物检测等部门进行过类似的公共卫生检测、流行病与生物统计等相关的实习。
2,澳大利亚弗林德斯大学 Flinders Health健康学本科,honor荣誉毕业生。在疫情期间回国,参与了多次社区、街道、市里面统一的疫苗接种的工作,并且也拿到了无锡市卫生防疫部门的正式工作offer。还是决定先读完港大的硕士,再工作。
3,2024年FALL 录取更新,加拿大SFU西蒙菲莎大学生物医学工程,BME专业,均分69.9分,GPA只有B,但是因为是工程科学位,相对比较硬核(有加拿大工程师毕业戒指),也是海外本科,加上面试表现不错,申请文书(推荐信,简历,PS)非常专业。在面试的时候,将BME专业转向MPH的动机解释的非常合理,性格开朗,面试表现不错,在面试完的第二天就收到了港大招生委员会写给港大要求录取该生的建议。
2 Nov :Application Opens for 2021/22 Intake
15 Feb :Deadline for Early Admissions
30 Apr :Deadline for Main Round
30 Jun :Deadline for Clearing Round (for local applicants only)
2023年Fall 录取人数达到了惊人的200人,录取难度其实并不大,要低于港中文的流行病与生物统计,以及部门港理工的医疗康复专业硕士。更没有药学、制药工程、生物医学工程的申请难度大。