留学小程序 欧思留学 院校库 排名 热门项目 专业选校规划 访问留学小程序
院校: University of Nottingham / 诺丁汉大学 专业: English 授予学位: BA 申请难度: 校友评分:

You’ll build from a starting point in applied linguistics, drama, creative writing, and literature (from medieval to present day), exploring what it is to be human through the historical, cultural and social contexts of a text. 你将从应用语言学、戏剧、创意写作和文学(从中世纪到现在)的起点出发,通过文本的历史、文化和社会背景来探索人类是什么。


Year 1:

Core modules

Beginnings of English

Drama, Theatre, Performance

Studying Literature

Studying Language

Academic Community

Optional modules

Regional Writers

Shakespeare's Histories: Critical Approaches

Essentials of English

Creative Writing Practice

Year 2:

Optional modules – Literature, 1500 to the Present

Shakespeare and Contemporaries on the Page

From Talking Horses to Romantic Revolutionaries: Literature 1700-1830

Literature and Popular Culture

Modern and Contemporary Literature

Texts Across Time

Victorian and Fin de Siècle Literature: 1830-1910

Optional modules – English Language and Applied Linguistics

Literary Linguistics

The Psychology of Bilingualism and Language Learning

Language Development

Language in Society

Texts Across Time

Optional modules – Medieval Language and Literature

Ice and Fire: Myths and Heroes of the North

Chaucer and his Contemporaries

Names and Identities

Old English: Reflection and Lament

Optional modules – Drama and Performance

Shakespeare and Contemporaries on the Stage

Stanislavski to Stelarc: Performance Practice and Theory

Twentieth-Century Plays

Optional modules – Creative Writing

Students who took Creative Writing Practice in year one can also choose one of the Creative Writing modules, below:

Fiction: Forms and Conventions

Poetry: Forms and Conventions

Year 3:

Optional modules – Literature, 1500 to the Present

Contemporary Fiction

The Gothic Tradition

Island and Empire

Lliterature and Drama 1588-1688

Oscar Wilde and Henry James: British Aestheticism and Commodity Culture

Single-Author Study

The Self and the World: Writing in the Long Eighteenth Century

Making Something Happen: Twentieth Century Poetry and Politics

Modern Irish Literature and Drama

One and Unequal: World Literatures in English

Songs and Sonnets: Lyric poetry from Medieval Manuscript to Shakespeare and Donne

Optional modules – English Language and Applied Linguistics

Language and the Mind

Advanced Stylistics

Teaching English as a Foreign Language

Language and Feminism

Optional modules – Medieval Language and Literature

Dreaming the Middle Ages: Visionary Poetry in Scotland and England

English Place-Names

Songs and Sonnets: Lyric poetry from Medieval Manuscript to Shakespeare and Donne

The Viking Mind

Optional modules – Drama and Performance

Changing Stages: Theatre Industry and Theatre Art

Modern Irish Literature and Drama

Performing the Nation: British Theatre since 1980

Reformation and Revolution: Early Modern literature and drama 1588-1688

Optional modules – Creative Writing

Creative writing modules in year three are available exclusively to students who took Creative Writing Practice in year one.

Advanced Writing Practice: Fiction

Advanced Writing Practice: Poetry



Alevel: AAA

IB:32 points with Mathematics and one of Physics or Chemistry at Higher Level grade 5. Physics required at Standard Level grade 5 if not offered at Higher Level.



1. 高中毕业证或在读证明(中英文对照,复印或打印在学校抬头纸上,并盖有学校公章)

2. 高中成绩单(中英文对照,复印或打印在学校抬头纸上,并盖有学校公章)

3. 个人陈述(英文书写,限制字数 4000 字符;UCAS 系统会自动审核 PS 有无雷同,若发现会直接通知申请学校, 建议每个学生 PS 都不能copy,并且ps是ucas申请系统所有学校共用,不能出现学校的名字)

4. Word 版本英文推荐信一封(推荐人信息要详细,包括:姓名、 性别、职位、工作单位、联系电话、Email 地址等)

5. 护照复印件

6. 语言成绩复印件

7. 其他补充材料




作为一名英语专业的毕业生,你将获得以下关键的可转移技能: 良好的口头和书面沟通能力 表达想法和信息,包括协作 文本分析 计划和研究书面工作 创造力 为不同的受众写作

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