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伦敦大学皇家霍洛威分校(Royal Holloway)电气工程专业申请攻略(本科)
院校: Royal Holloway University of London / 伦敦大学皇家霍洛威分校 专业: Electronic Engineering 授予学位: BEng 申请难度: 校友评分:

You'll benefit from research-led teaching from expert academics building international reputations in diverse fields including renewable energy and music technology. Electronic Engineering students will enjoy a rewarding blend of practical and theoretical study, working in pairs, groups and individually with one-on-one support from your own Personal Advisor.您将受益于在可再生能源和音乐技术等不同领域建立国际声誉的专家学者的以研究为主导的教学。电子工程专业的学生将会享受到实践和理论的结合,在一对一的指导老师的帮助下,以结对、小组和个人的方式进行学习。


Core Modules

Year 1

Embedded Systems Creative Team Project 1

Electronic Circuits and Components

Communications Engineering 1

Internet Services

Mathematics for Engineers 1

Mathematics for Engineers 2

Year 2

Embedded Systems Creative Team Project 2

Software Engineering for Electronics

Signals, Systems and Engineering

Control Engineering

Electronic Materials and Devices

Analogue Electronic Systems

Professional and Sustainable Engineering

Year 3

Individual Project

Digital Signal Processing

Optional Modules

There are a number of optional course modules available during your degree studies. The following is a selection of optional course modules that are likely to be available. Please note that although the College will keep changes to a minimum, new modules may be offered or existing modules may be withdrawn, for example, in response to a change in staff. Applicants will be informed if any significant changes need to be made.

Year 1

All modules are core

Year 2

All modules are core

Year 3

Renewable Energy Systems

Voice Technologies

Fundamentals of Biomedical Engineering

Digital Systems Design

Advanced Communications Systems

Information Security

Electricity Generation, Conversion and Distribution



Alevel: ABB-BBB

IB:5,5,5 at Higher Level including either 5 HL Maths: Analysis & Approaches or 6 HL Maths: Applications & Interpretation and a minimum of 32 points overall.




1. 高中毕业证或在读证明(中英文对照,复印或打印在学校抬头纸上,并盖有学校公章)

2. 高中成绩单(中英文对照,复印或打印在学校抬头纸上,并盖有学校公章)

3. 个人陈述(英文书写,限制字数 4000 字符;UCAS 系统会自动审核 PS 有无雷同,若发现会直接通知申请学校, 建议每个学生 PS 都不能copy,并且ps是ucas申请系统所有学校共用,不能出现学校的名字)

4. Word 版本英文推荐信一封(推荐人信息要详细,包括:姓名、 性别、职位、工作单位、联系电话、Email 地址等)

5. 护照复印件

6. 语言成绩复印件

7. 其他补充材料





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