UCLA加州洛杉矶分校应用地理空间信息系统和技术专业 MSc Applied Geospatial Information Systems and Technologies 开设在地理系下的硕士课程。应用地理空间信息系统和技术硕士 (MAGIST) 学位是一个完全在线的专业 STEM 研究生学位课程,专注于培训学生使用 GIS 和位置数据解决问题。
该课程提供的课程使商业、工程、规划、数据和信息管理以及政府和非营利组织的 GIS 专业人员所需的主题具有学术严谨性。 MAGIST 课程强调空间数据分析和计算机编程技术,为学生在 GIS 和地理空间技术行业的专业和高技能职位上取得专业成功做好准备。
MAGIST students will complete a curriculum consisting of:
Six quarter-length courses (28 units) focusing on spatial analysis, geospatial programming, data models, image analysis, and Web/cloud GIS
A capstone project (8 units with required research methods seminar), optionally developed with an external partner/collaborator, designed to develop GIS problem-solving skills
Fall Quarters (September – December)
GEOG 401: Applied Spatial Data Science
GEOG 410: Geospatial Databases and Data Management
GEOG 411: Geospatial Imagery Analysis
Winter Quarters (January – March)
GEOG 412: Programming for Spatial Data Science I
GEOG 413: Applied Spatial Statistics
GEOG 498: Capstone I – Geospatial Research Methods
Spring Quarters (April – June)
GEOG 414: Programming for Spatial Data Science II
GEOG 415: Spatial Data Science Futures
GEOG 499: Capstone II – Geospatial Capstone Project
UCLA Application for Graduate Admission (online form)
Statement of purpose, including description of prior GIS coursework and/or experience
Personal statement
Curriculum vita (C.V.) or resume
Two (minimum) letters of recommendation
TOEFL(87) or IELTS Score(7.0)
Transcripts for undergraduate degree(s) earned, plus transcripts showing completion of GIS coursework (if separate and applicable)
Non-refundable application fee
Deadlines to apply:
May 1, 2022